Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Sample Behavioral Interview Questions : Analysis

Following are some sample behavioral questions on Analysis: Especially for those candidtaes with prior experience.

What steps do you follow to study a problem before making a decision?
We can sometimes identify a small problem and fix it before it becomes a major problem. Give an example(s) of how you have done this.
Describe a situation in which you had to collect information by asking many questions of several people.
Recall a time from your work experience when your manager or supervisor was unavailable and a problem arose. hat was the nature of the problem? How did you handle that situation? How did that make you feel?
Recall a time when you were assigned what you considered to be a complex project. Specifically, what steps did you take to prepare for and finish the project? Were you happy with the outcome? What one step would you have done differently if given the chance?
In a supervisory or group leader role, have you ever had to discipline or counsel an employee or group member? What was the nature of the discipline? What steps did you take? How did that make you feel? How did you prepare yourself?
What was the most complex assignment you have had? What was your role?

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